Carlos Trewher (born Carlos Ernesto Lugo Mejia) got his start in 2016 with dubstep just as it was taking off in the United States, crafting remixes and honing his skills. The Maracaibo native grew up in a large family, moving from Maracaibo to Medellin and on to Bogota City, where he attended college as a software engineering major. Though music started out as a hobby, he eventually left school to pursue it full-time. As the EDM scene grew bloated with phoned-in beats and soulless hedonism, Trewher changed his sound, opting for personal artistic expression and emotional connection over big drops. His first EP — 2016's Restart — incorporated some big beats and emo-EDM flourishes, but within a cocoon of atmospherics and reflective lyrics that set him apart. He released one other album on his Darkness Light label in 2022: the atmospheric journey of I Forgot to Break My Heart and Final Round pt. 1, which was recorded in Medellin.